Chelvanaya Gabriel

Wellness & Liberation

Through a unique blend of visual artistry, social justice facilitation and contemplative practices, Creative Resilience is a project-in-process where you and others can join me on a journey of self-discovery and communal liberation. From telling my own art-as-healing stories to helping others tell theirs, this is a platform for connection and co-creation. What do you need? Let's create it together.

Intuition & Color

Through an intuitive use of materials, bold colors and unexpected textures, I draw the viewer into the world of imagination and subconscious. Yours or mine? It is difficult to say - the two play off of each other. I create art because I seek that moment of connection between my work and someone else. I aim to spark a reaction, to pose questions and invite deep contemplation.

Workshops & Commissions

I'm available for a variety of social justice and wellness-based workshops. I would also love to discuss creating artwork specifically for you that resonates with your vision and budget. Let's collaborate!